Peter Opa

Mr Peter Opa served in the PNGDF for nearly 30 years.
He started his seafaring career with the PNG DF in 1987 and has achieved a list of qualifications over the years.
Over the 30 years with the PNG DF, he had received trainings both in the PNG DF and Australian Defence Force in;
Instructor Training – Vocational Instruction
Seamanship Training
Landing Craft Base Duties and Admin Duties
Small Boat Coxswain course (Australia)
Completed outboard motor maintenance
Goldie River Training Depot
Basic Navigation Course
Attained Certificate for Australia and Military Familiarisation Course, Defence International Training Centre, Melbourne, Australia
Attained Certificate for Law of Armed Conflict, Level One, PNGDF Landing Craft Base
Training of Peer Education
SGT Admin Qualifying Course
Business frontline Management Cert IV
Attained Certificate for SMET International Minor War, HMPNGS Basilisk
He started teaching at the PMTC in 2018.
His main responsibility covers, overseeing and teaching all nautical studies subjects for General purpose ratings to Deck Watchkeeper Ratings and participates in teaching Personnel Safety and Social Responsibility for SOLAS courses.
He also participates in teaching firefighting and survival courses as the need arises.