Training & Facilities Expansion
PMTC is accepts payments and sponsorship to be able to offer shore-based and sea-based maritime training courses for the less fortunate who are very bright and want to make a career in the maritime industry.
Concurrently, to increase the number of students studying in PMTC for this one we plan to embark on the extension of our training facilities. Both in Konedobu and to develop the 52 hectares of land in Roku Village, Central Province, PNG as a training facility. Beside building new facilities for classrooms and dormitories, we plan to source training simulators and increase the training staff of our collage.
It is also our plan to source an ex-cruise ship that could be converted to be a training vessel with on-board training facilities that will extend the PMTC operations mainly to Indonesia and the Sout-East Asia region. Any payments and sponsorship to achieve these goals will lead to the development of many maritime professionals in the Pacific and Sout-East Asia region.
Message from:​ Pacific Maritime Training College
Model of Proposed Campus Facilities